
The Customer Experience with Low-Code Episode with The Automation Guys #35
How to fast-track Customer and User Experience in your business with the power of low-code automation? Learn more in this episode.
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Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Sascha Cutura: [00:00:00] In a socially distanced world. There’s no doubt that technology needs to play a larger role in your customer experience strategy. When, how do you go digital when you simply do not have the resources to make the big process and system changes that are required in this episode of the process and automation podcast, you will learn how to fast track customer and user experience in your business with the power of local.
[00:00:46] hello everyone. And welcome to another episode of the process in automation podcast with the automation guy. And as always with me here, my automation guys partner Arnaud. Hello, Arno. Yeah. In today’s episode, we want to talk about how [00:01:00] you can go digital you, um, was your business when you simply don’t have the resources to make the big process and system changes that are required, um, Arnaud, and I’m sure you are with me on this.
[00:01:11] Um, low-code automation could be the answer.
[00:01:15] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:01:15] Yes. We seeing, um, uh, obviously a tremendous, um, sort of, uh, movement within sight, a low-code space. Um, you know, the pandemic has obviously altered the way that, um, you know, many businesses do their business. Um, you know, and, and, and, you know, yeah. Both behind the scenes, um, you know, back off back office operational and when serving customers.
[00:01:41] And, you know, in many respects, um, the world of work has been sort of launched into the future with, with the pandemic. Um, and, you know, w w w prior to the virus hitting, um, you know, companies were sort of used to work at the office. Um, but obviously with the app and the virus, [00:02:00] um, companies have to sort of hastily adopt and, um, you know, adopt new digital ways of operating.
[00:02:07] And, um, you know, if we look at our sort of virtual workplace that, that we all sort of work in, um, you know, it’s no longer a stop gap. Um, you know, it, it, it looks like it’s, it’s sort of remote working is here to stay. Um, you know, and Forrester predicts that, um, you know, this, this, this, this will be a permanent thing, um, that the, you know, people will sort of work from home, uh, even postpone them.
[00:02:36] Um, so, so we are seeing, um, a lot of shifts in how people work. And I think that, you know, a lot of businesses are trying to reinvent themselves and, you know, I think there’s still a key to ensure that, um, we, we, we still have, um, customer experience or CX. Um, you know, as, as, as a [00:03:00] strategy, uh, with sight the business, because of course, you know, customer experience really important that that gives you your brand differentiator and, um, you know, going forward sort of after this pandemic, it would make sense for a lot of businesses to, to adopt this digital first approach, what we call to customer experience.
[00:03:21] Um, you know, and we, we find that Loco tools is a really effective. Um, to create these experiences and to ensure that, um, you know, we’re very agile in order to, to change these experiences, we need to be very flexible and, you know, we need to be adaptable and that’s all critical to make sure that we can, which could change at a very rapid speed when it comes to, um, the need to change out of circumstances based on our customer.
[00:03:51] Um, needs of business priorities and also to be able to continue to, to change, you know, it’s, it’s really important for us to look at [00:04:00] our business. We serve our customers. Um, you know, what the experiences are that the customers have when they interact with us and they’re able to adapt to that. And I think that’s, that’s where low code comes into play because we, we can build those superior.
[00:04:18] Customer experiences and we can ever evolve them. You know, we can, we can play with it. We can tweak it and we could bring it into the market really quickly using low code into traditional coding or high code approach.
[00:04:36] Sascha Cutura: [00:04:36] Yeah, absolutely agree. So, so it’s rather a matter of days, isn’t it? Not month, anymore weeks so we can do it really super fast.
[00:04:45] So let’s, let’s dive into finding the best approach. Um, So digital first, um, customer experience is not, it’s not really about positioning your company as a tech tech savvy enterprise. It’s [00:05:00] about using technology really to make, um, uh, exceptional customer experience and user experience as possible. Yes. So the first one would be, yeah.
[00:05:09] Begin was your customer experience goals, whether these be faster response times, um, anticipating customer needs better, that, that kind of stuff, creating new levels of convenience or even reaching your markets. So yeah, you could think about your. Um, uh, your, your website, how you interact with your customers.
[00:05:28] Do you have all these latest technologies, like chatbots available to make that experience fast and swift? So yeah, when you have all sorts of goals, then redesign your process around these goals and. Yeah. Once, you know, what your customers want, what outcomes you want to achieve for your customers then, um, yeah, you can end a defy, which slow manual tasks need to be automated.
[00:05:53] So, so when you go into all the details, you will figure that out. And there are lots of ways of doing that and how to [00:06:00] figure out and how to map your processes. We talked about this recently and yeah, in which disconnected systems are, are not really performing too well and are letting you down and what you want to achieve.
[00:06:10] So. Um, yeah. And while we’re talking about technologies that as you mentioned, Arnaud, so we can do things very quickly was low code. There are now so many tools available on the market to get started with low code. We are working with many different vendors, so it could be just low code workflow. Low-code RPA, local chatbots.
[00:06:33] So that’s, that’s generally what, um, what we have isn’t available these days. Our regular listeners will know that we’re talking about this quite a lot here on the podcast. And if you’re new, we recommend to catch up on all our episodes about low-code to get a good in-depth view on all these technologies as well.
[00:06:50] So, so that’s, um, a little info here for you, so Arnaud, but we have good news, right?
[00:06:59] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:06:59] Yeah, I think [00:07:00] the good news is that, you know, you don’t have to have a massive technology overall when you want to improve your customer experience or create digital customer experiences. I think what we’re saying is that, you know, a lot of your legacy systems can still stay in place, but we want to bring automation technology and sort of overlay it in front of those legacy systems.
[00:07:27] Hmm, great. Those, those experiences on those layers and be able to great, very adaptive experiences, experiences is, uh, follows trends, new trends, experiences. It’s very connected with what we don’t want to have is disconnected experiences. That’s very frustrating for a customer. Um, and really what we want to do is leverage this thing at, at investments that.
[00:07:55] And, um, bringing in some of the progressive, um, you know, tech [00:08:00] to do to provide it’s sort of a glue that holds everything together at that forms of very, very good, I guess, foundation for, um, for your, for your customer experience initiatives. Um, and again, I think low-code solutions are designed to solve process problems from the ground up and because the development of processes.
[00:08:25] It’s made, made a lot more user friendly and it’s a lot more easier. It’s very commoditized, democratized hub, you know, whatever you want to call that. And also I think that it sort of reduces the gap between it and, and you know, the rest of the business. So, um, you know, Have a very, uh, kind of a cross-functional approach.
[00:08:49] Um, when you look at swimming, your CX and, and really, you know, a lot of people talk about bridging the gap between the business and it, but I think that with, with low code, um, because [00:09:00] it’s such an efficient way to create software and, um, underlying sort of user experiences, automation. It is really very engaging.
[00:09:10] It’s very fast. It’s very results driven. Um, you know, it produces value very quickly. Um, so it keeps people quite engaged. It keeps people quite, um, enthusiastic about projects then tend to be very long running, is that it feels like there are sort of results very quickly. Definitely see that. That, that kind of differentiation between business.
[00:09:35] And it sort of really becomes a bit sort of fuzzier when, because you know, everybody is just very engaged. Everybody’s very involved. Um, you know, uh, Perhaps people, process owners should know what they want to achieve in terms of their CX or their customer experience. It know that they can deliver it very quickly because they’ve got perhaps a very good low code platforms like local [00:10:00] chat bot, low code workflow and forms, forms, designers.
[00:10:04] So everybody kind of just works together very nicely and very quickly. Um, you know, and it’s kind of, sort of, uh, a very nice combination of people Rob brought in and have like a polarized.
[00:10:16] Sascha Cutura: [00:10:16] Yeah. So we recently had a new cohort of our graduate program starting. And one big part of this is actually, I’m also building a low code, um, uh, sort of, uh, skill set and building an application and.
[00:10:30] W pick this platform because it’s cloud driven, it is approved by it. Uh, everyone knows it is secure. Everyone knows it is, uh, capable in so many different ways. So they don’t have to worry about that once it’s set up and configured and approved by it. Uh, and everyone knows sort of the best practices. Um, yeah, they just got started and after a week they already say, wow, we, we, we, we haven’t, um, thought this is.
[00:10:57] Possible. So they, they progress so fast. [00:11:00] Um, and the results are there. Um, yeah, so, uh, every business can really do the same. So, um, so they are graduates coming out of university was a bit of maybe tech and enthusiasm, but otherwise they yeah. Was low code. They can do it otherwise, uh, that wouldn’t wouldn’t achieve that much after that.
[00:11:21] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:11:21] Yeah. And I think, you know, um, graduates today are actually quite a, um, a good sort of demographic of, of, um, people to, um, create these experiences because of course, Uh, that demographic of people are very used to, um, sort of interacting a lot on their mobile phones, for example, um, you know, they’re quite tech savvy tech savvy.
[00:11:46] They plugged in digitally across a lot of things. Um, so I think they, they, they’ve got a very, um, I guess, uh, a sort of a natural way. [00:12:00] To, to design really good experiences because, you know, they, they, they sort of grew up with, with, with, with good experiences because of their technology use. And I think low-code is just an enabler, right?
[00:12:15] So where if, if we look at a specific experience that you want to create for end-user, um, that can be very defined, but then to execute is very quick, so you can test it. Hmm. I think that’s, that’s where the power comes in because obviously the low-code platforms are quite easy to learn. So you’ve got ideation on the one side, really good ideas.
[00:12:35] You’ve got execution on the other side, which is very quick and execution, which drives very quick results. And then also you’ve got the ability to change very quickly. If you perhaps find an experience needs to be tweaked altered, um, perhaps, you know, you need to, um, plugging up a separate. Um, element in there like RPA bot, because there’s a gap in experience, [00:13:00] somebody waits, um, or there’s a chat bot built in that that can interact.
[00:13:04] Um, so all of, all of that is quite dynamic and very fast moving. And I think with, with, with the low code, well, the low code approach, it really accelerates that and it kind of brings that benefit out very quickly. Um, and again, you talk about graduates. I think that that’s such a great demographic. Um, we see it as well where, you know, they, they are used to, to, to CX because like I said, they, they sort of grew up with it.
[00:13:36] Um, not, you know, not ugly buttons and stuff. When, when we sort of grew up with sort of the first, um, uh, so, you know, sort of some of the first initial. I guess, um, sort of, uh, case management systems, which is quite heavy and, um, they’re very hard to, to sort of use.
[00:13:55] Sascha Cutura: [00:13:55] Yeah. They actually also, also very used to, um, um, sort of more the high [00:14:00] level thinking.
[00:14:01] Um, so wouldn’t, they, they very often had this task when they had the university to think about a problem, how that can be, how that can be solved. And I come up with high level or maybe mock up screens because they don’t know, um, uh, generally any other kind of. Uh, at that stage, but now with low code, you can very, very quickly from, from your sort of mock-up into a functional application, you go nearly instantly anyway, isn’t it.
[00:14:25] So that can really transport that, that high level idea that helped before now into proper app, um, uh, in no time. And yeah, that exactly that power, every business
[00:14:36] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:14:36] now has. Um, yeah, I mean, one example is that if you want to build an app, for example, and you want to have right. You know, the, the sort of the classic approach is, you know, you need to think about the app.
[00:14:48] You need to think about the data model and you think about designing a database and then you need to think about, okay, what type of forms am I going to put on the application? Um, you know, so it’s the [00:15:00] security. So, so there’s, there’s so many things to think about, um, you know, with low code development, you don’t even have to worry about writing a database.
[00:15:08] You can just use a model. Um, to model what your data objects should look like. Um, and obviously that could be your data objects, underlying relationships. So you don’t even have to create a database. Um, of course the platform we’ll create something in the background that could be used for, um, for reporting your data still accessible, but it’s, it’s just, it, it removes all of that complexity.
[00:15:36] So you can really just focus on the problem you want to solve. You don’t want. Um, uh, you know, a bog people down with, with creating databases and knowing scripting language to create these databases, what you want people to do to create these apps is really just give them a platform to say, like, what is the problem that you want to solve?
[00:15:58] What is the journey you want to take [00:16:00] the user through in order to, um, you know, create that those solutions. And that’s where the sort of the UX elements comes into play quite a lot. So you can focus a lot on that. And then all of the other kind of technical peripheral things like security, logging controls, possibly sets, database creations, you know, styling, you know, all of the sort of heavy duty stuff that takes a long time.
[00:16:23] And it’s also very, very costly in terms of, um, Uh, project development. If you use high code, all of that goes away. So you can see, you can spend a lot of time on, on, on really creating really good CA. And that’s what we like to low-code approach that this was sort of the speed.
[00:16:44] Sascha Cutura: [00:16:44] Yeah. And I think we don’t have any other Joyce relief if we see what, what kind of, um, uh, sort of revolution we are now in.
[00:16:52] Um, so everything has been kicked off 12 months ago and before, before the pandemic was [00:17:00] already estimated. That, that will just grow like, like crazy, um, when it comes to automation and intelligent document processing, all that stuff, um, and some industries long overdue anyway. Um, so in actually to achieve all these changes, um, you don’t find enough, uh, you don’t have enough resource.
[00:17:22] Uh, to do the traditional way anyway. So, um, I think this is the only chance businesses have, um, and some businesses day to have to overhaul, um, uh, change applications, like hundreds of them actually within, uh, within a company. Um, and that’s the only.
[00:17:42] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:17:42] Yeah. I think a lot of businesses, we speak to a lot of customers.
[00:17:45] They do have quite mature processes. You know, the processes are there. It’s, it’s, it’s not a question where you speak to people and, and, um, you know, you still have to kind of figure out what these processes are. I think [00:18:00] that the issue we see is that it’s just translating those processes into something quite meaningful.
[00:18:05] That’s automated. And this is where low-code sort of really. Um, flourishes because, you know, you could, you could, you could have a discussion with somebody around the table, um, you know, data process owner and the subject matter expert. And, you know, once you get to grips with what that process is involved and how people interact with it, it’s almost kind of quite natural.
[00:18:32] Listen to what people say and sort of just map that out with insight to low-code too, and generally the way people speak and the way they want stuff to work, um, that there’s such a nice mapping of just literally taking that and then mapping it with insight. And then almost refreshing the screen and say, is this what you mean?
[00:18:56] And then they look at it and they’re like, yeah, but can you, could you, could you [00:19:00] perhaps, um, change that? So, so you know, this step here is merged into each one, um, and, and you can do it quite, quite rapidly. And, and almost just show them the results straight away. I think that, that, that really impressed me a lot about, you know, the things we do is, again, just that, that speed and agility that you could take, uh, you know, a requirement from somebody showed us something, bring it to life immediately.
[00:19:31] You’ve got somebody’s attention because you’ve done that very quickly. Um, and, um, They look at it and they say, yeah, that’s spot on. Or, you know, can you, can you sort of just change it slightly because. Um, you know, we want to have a sort of a slightly different way how, how this is presented to the user, or there’s a process perhaps the process could, could, could just behave slightly different rather than sending out an email.
[00:20:00] [00:19:59] Um, you know, maybe it sends out an SMS message or WhatsApp message or what, or whatever it be. So again, you know, you always talk about the, kind of the Lego blocks, but I think it, it is literally like that where you could. Use those, those, those components string something together, um, tested very rapidly.
[00:20:19] See if it aligns with your strategy, see if it aligns with your process here, if it aligns with your, um, the goals of your, of your customer experience that you want to say, um, and test it, you know, do a test and, you know, normally it feels, um, Quite, uh, you know, when it’s right. Um, if, you know, once you start sort of, kind of putting it through its paces, um, there might be scenarios where you think, well, it’s not quite there, but at least it is a starting point and we can evolve into, um, uh, uh, sort of a final version of it, or it could just be ever-changing where do you just have to be very [00:21:00] adaptive because there’s new trends that you want to follow.
[00:21:02] Like I said earlier, there’s new things. Um, you want to sort of built into the process. We talk a lot about chat bots, so, you know, maybe you want to create an integrated chat bot experience as well as part of that. Um, so this, this there’s just so many, so many possibilities with insight, um, just kind of Lego set and you know, the, the, the landscape around it to create something that, that is sort of fit for purpose for today, but might need changing.
[00:21:32] The expensive investment in very expensive coding that you have to throw away because you’ve changed your mind.
[00:21:39] Sascha Cutura: [00:21:39] Mm. Yeah. Sometimes if you, if you don’t have the right Lego blocks over time was local to you. You develop even a few, few special Lego blocks, and then you have your set off your sort of your, um, your prefer to, or let’s say your, your top 10 list of Lego blocks you have for pretty much all your applications.
[00:21:58] And then [00:22:00] low-code nearly becomes in some companies. Uh, starts to develop into a no-code experience. So the more, the more components which can be you star defined, um, then it’s just, uh, just, uh, nearly more configuration than actually coding. So speed is even even higher. And after like six months, uh, using the code of the local platform within the builds.
[00:22:25] Yeah,
[00:22:26] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:22:26] and I mean, I’ll tell you a real life story. You know, we, we currently busy with, um, uh, uh, quite a larger project, um, that deals with insurance claim management and it’s fairly complicated area. And, um, so we sort of a month into the project and, you know, if we’ve managed to, um, you know, solve all of the.
[00:22:49] Pre-claim set up and the, you know, and it’s fairly complicated in terms of claim perils and activities, fees, fees sets, and, you know, or, you know, all sorts of very, very [00:23:00] difficult thing that goes into claims management system, including sort of who’s who’s brokers, where’s the underwriters, you know, all of that configuration, the roles, how people interact with each other, um, the sort of rules around it.
[00:23:12] And. You know, we haven’t wrote one line of code. We have GSE use configuration and we are able to model, uh, extremely, extremely complicated, um, sort of a problem, you know, being insurance. You can imagine that there’s things that hangs over insurance set up, um, uh, you know, policy management, all of that.
[00:23:39] And that’s very impressive, you know? You know, we, we sometimes look at it and, and, um, W w w we still say, well, how much code did we write? Well, we didn’t write any code yet. And there’s just, it’s just incredible. It is so different to, you know, 10 years ago, where, where, if you were to say this to somebody [00:24:00] that you will be able to do something as complicated as this, without writing a single line of code, I wouldn’t believe you.
[00:24:07] Sascha Cutura: [00:24:07] Yeah. And that applies as well too, to sort of integration low code as well as, so nowadays you should integrate lots of these cloud applications and other systems, um, actually was, was just really low-code or no-code, which was, um, was a big, big task. Um, um, five, 10 years.
[00:24:28] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:24:28] Yes. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s absolutely matured so much.
[00:24:31] And I think it’s, um, it, it is such an exciting thing to, to, to bring into your business. And it’s such a, it’s such a great thing. Um, to, to see people’s responses to, to the speed of execution and, and also just to, um, you know, change, change the way you create software change, change, change the paradigm slightly on, you know, that the possibilities [00:25:00] that exist, even if it’s really complicated, I think, you know, people, skeptics of logo might look at it and say, well, it’s only for simple things that it works, but that’s not, that’s not the truth.
[00:25:10] You know, you can create really, really sophisticated. Omni integrated systems with very, very sophisticated modules, um, you know, including, uh, artificial intelligence, machine learning, um, you know, RPA for the robotic side where you can train software bots to. Due to repetitive tasks, you can obviously bring in the mobile elements as well, because of course, if you create forms in a low code platform, it’s automatically ready for mobile.
[00:25:43] So sort of sorts of it. So there’s so many, um, advantages of, of using this approach. And again, you know, we think about. Uh, real-world scenarios and, um, you know, is it fitful for, for, for, for real [00:26:00] world kind of application stuff that’s really difficult. And the answer is yes, it is very mature. There’s a lot of, um, uh, features as, as the low code landscape has changed in the last five years, that that allows people to really create very complicated applications, very fast.
[00:26:17] Um, and, and that kind of shifts. Th th th th it’s sort of attention to the customer experience more because we know we can create these complicated, uh, applications. So we’re not scared to do that anymore. Um, what we’re doing now is we we’re really focusing our efforts in, in, in, in sort of the innovation around how these systems perform, how they look like, how they feel like people interact with it, that, that that’s.
[00:26:45] You know, this low code approach is, you know, it’s really quite special.
[00:26:51] Sascha Cutura: [00:26:51] Yeah. And, um, we, we started working with a couple of startups actually. So they, they have these ideas and, um, new business ideas, new [00:27:00] customer experiences maybe, and they know very well, well established industry, but they did just think, okay, we need to change the customer experience to this level.
[00:27:08] And then instead of. They, they are going off and building from scratch was cold. Like they maybe have done 10 years ago, they hired their, the coders on non angular react and all that kind of stuff. Now they’re just, um, doing a, um, uh, getting, getting onto this local platforms to actually prove that business model to the stage of sort of MVP.
[00:27:31] Um, um, so that, that will be the sort of the first, first level. These platforms these days, you can, you can keep them actually, and, uh, not move away after MVP. You can actually then scale and roll it out to a Dwyane customers. And they do this now in incredible speed. Um, they have all these great business ideas, um, and they’re using local platforms now to, to get it out to the, to the customers because that’s very often where, where startups are different.
[00:27:59] Isn’t it? [00:28:00] Um, startups in FinTech. They’re not really doing things fundamentally different, still about transect transferring money from, to one person to another maybe. Um, but the whole customer experience, how you, how you become a customer, how you then do the daily things in your, your financial, um, uh, requirements, um, that is different.
[00:28:24] And then testing all that stuff was low code as well. So
[00:28:28] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:28:28] incredible. Because it’s cheap, right? It’s cheap and very, very quick to do it. And that’s where it gives you the competitive advantage. Because if you have an idea to create a new journey that will attract customers, um, you want to be able to execute faster.
[00:28:43] You want to be able to put it out very fast. You want to be able to test it. You want to be able to fail fast as well. If you feel like this is not gonna work and not have the burden. Well, um, you know, quite a very expensive it built because you are innovating and experimenting. Right? So, so, so it [00:29:00] is kind of ever pushing that boundary, um, without breaking the bank.
[00:29:04] And I think that’s very, very important. Um, you know, especially, you know, it, budgets are, you know, spread across a business and, you know, do more with less. And so all of that, um, I think low-code is, is, is, is definitely one of those solutions that that is worth looking into. Um, just to understand, and, you know, we always challenge people that we talk to any prospects or prospective customers to say, you know, give us a scenario, you know, show us, show us, show us a scenario, something that you feel needs automation, or we need to plug a new process in, or Mr.
[00:29:41] Great, a mobile app or a digital experience. You know, and, and generally in, in a kind of couple of days, you know, we’ve got something functional, which was sort of high code or conventional development. We’ll, you know, we’ll take a lot longer and, [00:30:00] um, you know, and that’s a very effective way to, to, to actually test out low code and almost.
[00:30:07] Um, you know, big BB sort of converted into that. It is, it is, it is something very tangible. It is something, um, uh, very progressive it’s very fast. And, uh, you know, it is, it is something that I think, you know, should be in every business and every organization.
[00:30:26] Sascha Cutura: [00:30:26] Hmm. Yeah. And this is why we were doing this, um, as you, you, and, uh, and, and, um, we doing this, these workshops, isn’t just a one week getting together and getting actually that kind of stuff done, isn’t that, uh, to try to convert, um, um, people into, into the centers, mindset Loquat can, can achieve at like one week, two weeks is enough doing the process, mapping, workshops, that kind of stuff.
[00:30:51] Build the first thing together. And, um, and then everyone is just amazed. Um, we had that, it was RPA. Everyone couldn’t [00:31:00] really believe what it can do. And, um, and this is a really good way of, um, just getting started. Isn’t it?
[00:31:06] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:31:06] Yeah, exactly. So I think in summary, what we’re saying is that, you know, with, with the low code approach, um, you can start very small.
[00:31:14] You can transform a process at a time, and this allows you to, to innovate the customer journey. Um, that, that you need in, in, in small manageable steps, I suppose. Um, you know, you can be begin with the sort of routine manual processes that waste a lot of time within, inside your business. And then later on tackle more complicated problems as, as people get confidence in the low-code approach.
[00:31:43] Um, you know, also. W we say, we want to unite it in the business. And I think local platforms create this environment where these specialists from, you know, different business units can. Together to solve these sort of customer and customer pain [00:32:00] points and solve for better customer experience. So, you know, you, it just means that you can kind of build the solutions based on, on, on, on, on insights, gained from, from your customers and you know, how they, they, they respond to.
[00:32:18] Um, solution for you, you roll out and you can, you can really change that quite rapidly and fully exploit the full potential of Loco in because you can constantly adapt. And I think the customers will know the difference. They would know the difference that you are constantly trying to make this experiences, um, better.
[00:32:38] Um, you know, we want to build solutions faster.
[00:32:42] Sascha Cutura: [00:32:42] Absolutely. Now bill billing solutions fast. Yeah, it was low code. Yeah. Uh, means a simple drag and drop user interface, um, for, for the developers and tools that, that really spend the entire app life cycle. So really everything from, from idea to [00:33:00] deployment and scaling security, everything really.
[00:33:02] Um, so it saves a huge amount of time when designing and developing, um, these new processes and in general, um, uh, you will get more out of your process optimization initiatives and to, yeah, that also. Developers get more done. So that’s the traditional developer. Um, maybe need some time, but when they start using local technology, they can really speed up, um, the whole development cycle.
[00:33:32] Have more time to focus on other projects that are important to the business and to the customers. So there may be overseeing a lot of low code implementations to just make sure architecture or general governance, that kind of stuff, and maybe other bits, but otherwise we don’t need the super skilled developers to do low-code right.
[00:33:52] So everything is defined, uh, pretty much, um, just a little bit of oversight and guidance.
[00:33:59] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:33:59] Yeah, [00:34:00] and I think, you know, you, you need to be able to adapt with the times. You know, COVID taught us a lot of lessons. You need to be able to respond quickly. And I think the most important thing here is, is really to be able to refine and automate your processes rapidly.
[00:34:17] And you know, and this will allow you to continuously react to new customer needs and keep up with changes. I think that’s the bottom line.
[00:34:27] Sascha Cutura: [00:34:27] Great. Yeah. So if you’d like to go deeper into this topic and, um, you know, explore why local systems play such a, such a valuable role in, in, in, in any company and in your company.
[00:34:40] Um, and then in the whole company software strategy, um, Yeah, it’s just a visit our website. The automation guy has done that. They will find plenty of free resources around low code and, uh, other intelligent automation, um, uh, areas. So yeah, we have their previous episodes and, uh, white [00:35:00] papers, everything for you to, to use, to get started on, on low-code and improving customer experience.
[00:35:07] Um, they are, and we also covered. All aspects of intelligent automation and hyper automation on the podcast. Um, so yeah, I suggest please subscribe to the podcast and you will, uh, yeah, we’ll be notified. So, um, yeah, that’s, that’s it, I guess. Um, thanks a lot for listening and your interest in local and customer experience.
[00:35:31] Yeah. And if you’d like to learn more, feel free to join the let’s talk automation community, join our let’s talk automation room on clubhouse. So we, uh, yeah, we host the room every Tuesday at 4:00 PM, uh, BST and, uh, anything else on.
[00:35:47] Arno Van Rooyen: [00:35:47] No, I think that’s it. I’d like to say to the listeners, there’s a lot of content on the automation website.
[00:35:55] Um, obviously a lot of previous podcasts that we’ve touched on the hyper [00:36:00] automation wheel. So obviously I would invite everybody to, to go listen to those episodes. Um, uh, you know, a lot of things I’ve covered and, um, you know, there there’s a lot of useful content and the useful information. Um, and as usual, you know, feel free to reach out to us.
[00:36:16] Um, if there’s any problem that, um, you guys out there as, as perhaps, uh, gods, or you want to run past us, you know, more than happy to, to assist or, you know, give you some guidance on, on how to approach it then. And perhaps we low code and, uh, RPA progressive technologies fits into, into a potential solution.
[00:36:38] Sascha Cutura: [00:36:38] All right. Thank you all. See you all very soon and let’s automate it.
[00:36:47] Unfortunately, that’s it again, with this episode of the process and automation podcast. If you liked this episode, please give us a five-star rating and don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast. So you don’t miss any upcoming [00:37:00] episode. We hope you will tune in next time. And until then, Let’s automate it.
- July 12, 2021
- 12:36 pm