
In this Christmas special episode, The Automation Guys reflect on the past 12 months and discuss The Intelligent Automation Pillars – Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Process Mining, Robotic Process Automation, Low-code Automation, Digital Process Automation and automation in 2022.
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Episode Transcript
Sascha: Hello and welcome back to another episode of The Process & Automation podcast with the automation guys! Today is indeed again, a very special episode for us. Nearly 12 months ago we had that, that idea to come together weekly and talk about process and automation topics. And, uh, yeah, so we started, um, I believe for some clubhouse, um, where we had these weekly sessions initially, and then shortly after that we followed, with this podcast.
Arno: Yeah, it’s been an incredible 12 months, like you said. Um, I think between ourselves, we’ve got so much experience to, to share with people and, you know, it’s, it’s really been a privilege this year to, to touch on a variety of topics, um, to do with all of the pillars of automation. You know, we talked a lot about chatbots.
We talk about artificial intelligence. We talked a lot about low-code, RPA. We talked about many things in this space, and I think, you know, our audience has been incredible to, um, you know, give us a lot of feedback. So, so we thank them for that. And I think we’ve, we’ve managed to, uh, do a sort of, uh, close to 50 episodes this year.
So we really want to build on top of this first year achievement for next year and, and try and, and, and I give a lot back, I guess, you know, we, we, at the sort of the front of this automation journey, we do a lot of projects. Um, um, you know, we, we touch all sort of automation. Um, sort of requirements and, you know, this is our platform to share with our audience, our experiences, our sort of tips and techniques, and also just allow everybody to, um, to reach out to us and, and, and, and ask a question, you know, I think there’s so much, um, we, we can provide in terms of thought leadership, um, and you know what we do day to day. And I think that that’s what makes this podcast quite exciting. Um, it’s always hard to choose topics, but I think, you know, what we want to do today is kind of just look back at 2021. It has been a very interesting year.
It’s been very busy. There’s less, obviously. And its been lot of changes people ask to make. And I think automation played a very pivotal role and, uh, you know, pivotal sort of, um, I guess in, in, in terms of how people work, it was quite fundamental to, to bring that conversation in, to understand how can automation make us work better with, with the environment.
Sascha: Yeah. And, and it just, you just mentioned to conversations. Yeah. So we, when we look back, we had that mix of the episodes is that we was, it was all the experience we have and all the processes, we were able to talk about, lots of use cases. So very popular episodes. We had, we, we looked into the market news roundups.
We did a couple of episodes, also became quite popular. So, so we, we definitely keep, keep, keep them coming in 2022 and. Yeah. And of course we had these amazing conversations and with our podcast guests, for example, from Netcall, Jake’s, Nintex, Blue Prism, Tugela People and other people and a few more, um, uh, over the year.
And I’m very thankful for, for that important. And going even further. Um, where were we? Um, from what, where we come from. So they, they they’re sharing even, uh, other topics, um, other use cases, other challenges and other achievements, uh, through automation. So very exciting, very thankful that we had them on here.
And, uh, Yeah. And, and all these, these great episodes, um, you know, on a, we have them all on our website. Right? So everything is for you to digest, um, maybe between Christmas and new year.
Arno: Yes, we have, of course, got them on website. Um, like you said, Sascha, we’ve covered while we’ve tried to cover as a broad range of topics as possible.
Um, that’s been suggested by our audience. I think the majority of people are interested in use cases, automation, but of course, you know, what we try to do is, um, also in, in these podcasts, try to explain to people that, you know, the different. Um, sort of technologies out there, the different ways that these technologies can be applied.
And, you know, we, we, you know, there’s never enough time in a podcast to actually explain to people exactly what the benefits are and how we sort of live our day to day life in sort of implementing automation projects. So I think there’s a lot more to come in 2022. Um, you know, there’s a lot more ideas that we want to share with our audience.
Um, and you know, like you said, um, it’s, it’s, it’s an ever evolving, uh, sort of topic, um, and you know, with tremendous support from, from, you know, our listeners out there. We always try and tailor the, the podcast to, to appeal to everybody. Um, again, you know, if there’s questions on the previous episodes, um, you know, we, we encourage you guys to get in touch with us and then, you know, that will help us in 2022 to target some of the specific things that people want to talk about and people want to discuss.
And, uh, so I think it’s exciting year ahead for us for 2022. Um, I’m just looking and scrolling through our sort of episode summary. There’s a lot. We spoke about, um, covering robotic process automation. Like I said, chatbots. Low-code we specifically focus a lot on low-code, process mining, so there’s a lot in here and I think, you know, it, it kind of gives us a bit of a platform for next year to elaborate further on these topics.
And, you know, just to, um, explore these more, I think the automation market market, as we see it, the projects we get involved with is, is expanded. I would almost call it kind of explosive at the minute, because of course we still at the tail end of the pandemic in a lot of changes, how people work, you know, it would be really interesting to see how automation in 2022.
I guess shape the world we live in. I think, you know, looking back at 2021, 2020, um, you know, it has been quite a few changes. Um, the pandemic has certainly been a catalyst for a lot of automation initiatives. We’ve seen we’ve, we’ve certainly seen it urge. Uh, for process automation within businesses as a result of the pandemic.
Um, we’ve we, we talked about a lot about investment with insight automation, a lot of, uh, venture capitalists, looking at automation and also investing in a space. So I think it’s, it’s quite a privilege to be in this space. Um, we see a lot of things. We, you know, we, we, we witnessed a lot of investment in this space, so, you know, it’s surely exciting times.
And I think for our listeners, That, uh, listen to our podcast is certainly a sort of a interesting thing for 2022 to see, um, you know, how automation will, will, you know, go forward. And so, you know, be adopted by a lot of companies. Um, you know, and you know, how it will change people’s lives, you know, work-wise now that people are sort of in this hybrid mode of working remotely at the office and, um, yeah, it’s very interesting times.
Sascha: Yeah. I think that that all was redefined last year. Uh, indeed. Uh, and that that’s pretty much sort of across all, most industry, all industries. Um, yeah. Um, I think sort of a. An underlying thing was also sort of paper-based, uh, administrative processes in, in most industries and businesses. So that, that had to be replaced.
Um, was everyone working, working from home and suddenly, um, Yeah. And it was all that suddenly everyone sort of discovered, um, uh, process automation and everything, which, uh, sort of is around it and looking at streamlining things and digitizing just overall. So, uh, and it happened all so quickly. Um, um, that, that, yeah, usually those, those things will take a couple of years, but, um, everyone was forced to.
Make this, their priority one, isn’t it. And yeah, so that, that really means, um, uh, that will be, will be a very interesting 12 months, um, uh, ahead for us, I guess when we look at 2022, uh, what automation trends, um, uh, do you think will work?
Arno: Well, I think, you know, there’s a lot to be said about what COVID-19 brought forward.
And I think for most organizations, if you look at manual paper-based in-person processes, it, it made it very difficult or even impossible for a remote workforce to function. And I think, you know, What, 2020, 2021 proven to assets that that was suddenly disrupted and, you know, people that did invest in process automation technology prior to that, um, had an easier sort of transition into the new world we, we, we work in, um, and you know, for the people that caught up with you know, with the advent of the pandemic, um, it’s probably a bit bit harder, but, you know, they, you know, I think the pandemic. Prove to us, it was a catalyst for, for people to transform. I think if you look at 2022 and, you know, with people being, um, used to this sort of digital way of working, I think.
Looking at now, it is sort of more, um, artificial intelligence led entries into this sort of market where, you know, we were sort of forced into this digital way of working. We are all of a sudden eradicated all of this paper-based in-person processes. Now we’ve captured the data so we can actually start to leverage more AI.
To drive automation even further. And, you know, I think this is probably a point where I can almost see this automation revolution starting and, you know, I think it will be very interesting. So if you, if you’ve kind of, again, if you look at the trends that happened in. At the 2021, um, you know, a lot of people accelerated towards new technologies in the workplace.
Um, and again, COVID-19 as a set this up and, you know, they, they call it, uh, the so-called digital revolution. Um, according to Mackenzie, You know, I think if you look at it, sort of a rapid shift has been towards customer service because organizations has been forced to focus on how do we interact with customers with digital channels, with this kind of remote workforce.
You know, we look at retailers, um, you know, with, with their kind of customer lands. That’s that’s, that’s been disrupted. How do they change? And, you know, there’s, there’s obviously been a lot of, uh, um, sort of movement towards online commerce and, um, and, and all of these things that, because, you know, people are from home, um, you know, that, that has increased.
Um, you know, this, this element of sort of business. So today has been a strive to, to modernize and streamline delivery processes and, um, you know, upgrading, um, e-commerce capabilities. And, you know, I think in 2020, To the utilization of AI would really, um, further be adopted to streamline, um, this sort of supply chain.
Um, and, you know, because we’re capturing all of this data, people are sort of in the zone where digitalization is there. We had to do it. Know, it’s just going to continue,
Sascha: you know, maybe, maybe let’s, uh, let’s jump maybe two to what then? Um, we got, yeah, we have this, all this stuff over the last 12 months.
Isn’t it? So it’s a big change, maybe when we jump into the automation trends for 2022, what will that specifically look like? What do you think.
Arno: Um, well, I think that obviously there will be new players in the market. I think that if you look at 2020 specifically and 2021, robotic process automation, grew roughly by about 40%.
Um, and you know, I think if you look at digital process automation, um, you know, It’s it’s roughly the sort of same percentage. And what we seeing is that, um, more, uh, building on top of that more sophisticated automation solutions will emerge. Um, but build on top of AI, which is artificial, artificial intelligence led sort of initiatives.
Um, You know, and I think that there is a lot more, there’s a lot of new startups that’s in the space. Um, you know, of course we’ve got the, this sort of, like I said, robotic process automation and low code automation. So, you know, which is more the digital process automation initiatives coming up on the no-code automation towards now as well.
Arno: not yet.
Exactly. And I think that, you know, AI will just sort of go from strength to strength, um, you know, in, in 2022, for example, or, uh, Another thing that I think will happen is that there might be a lot of consolidations in some of the vendors and w and the offerings they, they, they provide.
Um, you know, so I think. You know, there will be some color that consolidation in the market as well for some of the technologies. Um, you know, perhaps a lot of the, um, automation vendors will, um, you know, look perhaps at some of the startup companies that we’ll probably look at some of the new technologies and then incorporate that into their platforms.
Sascha: We have seen that a lot already in 2021. Isn’t it? Um, when we looked at the market, Appian is buying process mining and RPA technology suddenly making their platform, uh, just, just a wider or the busy ever wider offering. Same with other vendors Nintex and Salesforce.
Yeah. Yeah, everyone is sort of buying sort of complimentary kind of products to have a full end to end automation platform. Isn’t it?
Arno: Exactly. So I think a lot of that vendors would either look at acquiring, um, sort of. Tech technology vendors that they don’t already have in their platform. And or there will just be consolidation of vendors across the landscape.
There’s a lot of investment going into automation at the minute. And like I said, a lot of private equity going in, and I think that the private equity firms realize that automation, especially in the world, we currently see. Is there is a very, very, very big opportunity. Um, because of course, you know, we ha we do live in a world pre-pandemic where there has been a lot of inefficiencies.
And I think summation is just one of those things that actually, um, provides the opportunity to. For investors to get a very good return if they invest in the correct platforms and the correct correct technologies at the right time. So I think we’re, we’ll probably see, you know, again, in, uh, in terms of convergence and consolidation, we’re probably see, see a lot more movement in, in 2022, 2023.
Um, and then there’s also just talk about actually bringing in physical robot workers. You know, we’ve seen that,
you know, there’s, this, there’s a company in Japan, it’s a restaurant company called the Dawn avatar robot cafe. And, you know, they, they are actually, um, Uh, using robots to allowing disabled people, to work from home and control these robots to, um, you know, uh, do specific things via the use of a microphone and the camera to, to allow them to speak by, you know, kind of like a controller.
So I think that perhaps that the software automation and the hardware automation. We’ll also come a bit more closer together. I think, you know, this is probably just a, kind of a first step towards that, um, to prove that, um, you know, automation can actually benefit humans in this instance, you know, we talk about people that’s disabled, which can actually be involved.
In doing things like controlling a remote robot and using their human skills to, to control it. So it’s a very, very interesting, yeah, it’s a very interesting kind of concept. And, you know, we, we think about sort of food preparation, food delivery, all of these sorts of things, surveillance, for example,
Sascha: not yet like the sort of the, um, uh, sort of the, the.
Do I do me and gloomy picture, um, from, from some movies or so I think they will all be introduced. Um, so you see in them now as well in some, uh, Asian big cities where you have to surveillance or just a cleaning bots, um, going through the streets and they still look very friendly. So it’s not like this is a sort of aggressive bots are coming and taking over.
Um, uh, I think that is what a lot of people. Um, often associated when, when real robots are suddenly coming to, into the picture or Robocop, that kind of stuff. But, uh, but technically we probably not really, we are not really far away from all that, isn’t it. So when we see what happens with Boston dynamics was all the, the, the little, um, the robot dog.
Um, so as well, going through, uh, which is already used was the army and was some, some, uh, police forces
Arno: globally. Space X use a rubber dog as well. If there’s, um, you know, um, sort of inspections that have been held with, with, with, with a rocket and, uh, you know, I think, I think it’s, it’s, it’s kind of more.
Um, to do with, uh, you know, uh, that that specific worker does something quite unique that they could add. And that is for that. And I think the information they gather can then be used by other people to make really good decisions. So I think it’s. Kind of this, this vision where people are replaced. No, not at all though.
This thing makes decisions. And I think, you know, a lot of, again, a lot of the projects we do through robotic process automation projects, which obviously is, um, projects where we mimic human behavior. I think that what we want to do is. I take the boring stuff out of a humans day job, because it is so busy.
Everybody is very busy and, you know, everybody is always looking at ways to add a lot of benefit to the things they do to the customers. They serve to reduce, you know, administration and administrative burden from, from their lives. And I think this is where we see. Robotics software, um, works well. And you know, even if you look at physical robots, there did that.
Administrative burden to actually do a site visit, to inspect a rocket site where a rocket has exploded a human doesn’t have to do that because all this robot is doing is gathering. Taking information then analysis of it is where, where humans are still in the loop. And it’s kind of what we call the human in the loop.
The same thing is true for, you know, what we do for, um, you know, companies where we deploy software bots is it is still human in the loop. What we want to do is that the robot does heavy lifting the robot. Does do that fact finding information, gathering, um, and. Thing that actually can do that very quickly, but present that back to the human for sort of final analysis.
So again, like I said, Sasha, I think in 2022, the AI element of that too, to make perhaps that analysis piece easier for human to comprehend, or probably be a bit stronger. Um, it’s easier to get, um, you know, uh, commoditized AI these days. And, you know, I think a lot of that, uh, the sort of automation vendors are investing heavily on artificial intelligence to, to, to make their platforms better for intelligent decision-making and all of these sorts of things.
So I think that. In, in all, you know, it’s going to be a bit better offering for, for clients out there that want to automate and want to implement automation across their business, specifically to their needs. So, very,
Sascha: That will help definitely. Um, uh, for, for lots of other topics, which are very important in the world. I think one of the biggest topics we in the, in society have at the moment is to tackle climate change. Isn’t it? And, um, with technology, everyone who has a sort of technology mindset now turns to things about how can that technology help us, um, or help the process really is not the, how we can support, um, uh, businesses, um, by bringing in AI and automation to maybe, um, Tackle that, that the climate climate topics in their companies.
So, so yeah, that’s coming, uh, that’s becoming a big topic for most businesses, not just enterprises, small and medium business. Every business now has that sort of on their agenda to become sort of more carbon, carbon neutral, definitely more, more effective. And, um, You know, obviously, um, that you can reduce it in so many areas.
It’s not just, um, uh, flying less or so, so, uh, so many aspects of your business, you have to look at basic at every aspect of your business. Um, how are you processes running? Uh, are you actually, um, producing. The carbon by, uh, by inefficient processes. Yeah. So look at processes. If we, if we take all these steps out here and make it more efficient, can we already, um, reduce carbon consumption, uh, in general.
So using process automation and, uh, using the data within the business and feeding that to an AI and machine learning, um, will, will immediately. Unlock all that information and we’ll find out what suppliers are. Maybe not. Uh, when you look at this sort of the supply chain, what suppliers are maybe even not the right supplier, really.
So maybe they are effectively harming your, your carbon. Yeah, a gold. So all these kinds of things are, um, uh, possible, um, was, was, um, was, was, uh, automation. And it was the power of AI AI coming into that picture. So we currently was my team. Um, uh, so we’re looking at, um, currently at the project Cee0 that AI, and then as well, we were actually putting all these two technologies together to, um, to give them.
Um, so that technology to small, medium businesses in a nice, easy to use sort of dashboard real-time dashboard and AI capability. So, so everyone can then track their carbon consumption plan, their road map to net zero. So all these things are so important and. If that can actually get us there. Um, I’m, I’m all for it.
So I’m very, very passionate on about, um, uh, these technologies, AI automation. So there’s this reason not to do
Arno: it. Yeah. I think from an ethical perspective and looking at tackling climate change, of course, you know, industry is, is quite, uh, a big contributor towards. Carbon emissions. And I think that, um, you know, they, there is a balance that we need to reach, um, to, to, to, to get to, to carbon zero.
And I think, I always say if we can’t measure it, we can’t improve. And if, you know, if we have. You know, paper-based system systems, manual systems. It is, it is very hard to measure what that looks like in order to, to reach that goal. Um, you know, obviously the recent, we are the Glasgow Glasgow meeting on, on the change and this, you know, the 2050 goal to, to.
Reach carbon neutral, um, for all countries. And I think that if, if we can measure where we are, I think we can understand where we’ll be in the future and we need to
Sascha: do is know what kind of action we need to take now. Yeah,
Arno: exactly. So I think, you know, this, this is a mutually beneficial thing for. A lot of disciplines with inside a business.
So, you know, ethically from, uh, you know, tackling climate change and being carbon neutral. I think that if you can have an understanding that how your processes perform and how you, um, deliver your services and you know, what impact that’s got on the environment. And also if you’ve got businesses that you deal with and they can be transparent with that.
Sort of stats with you. I think that’s, that’s kind of like where process automation provides you that almost that, um, that, that audit trail of how it looks like. And I think that a lot of businesses in the future will probably be subjected to some compliance around, um, you know, the carbon footprint and, uh, providing evidence.
That, you know, they, they are within sight. The boundaries of, of, you know, what is, what is allowed, um, you know, legislation legislatively. So I, you know, I, I think it’s, it’s, it’s. Automation is sort of a key part of that, because if we can measure how we as a business, um, do things, we can measure how we as a business actually.
Impact, um, environment because they sit in things that we do, and also the people we trade where, for example, um, if we can measure that and then also legislation on top of that, if we can prove that we are doing things in a sustainable way, that can only be a good thing. And I think that that’s a very taxing process.
If you don’t have automation with inside your business. So it. You know, edit it all kind of adds to this, I guess this, this, this, this sort of idea that, um, you know, automation is not just the thing we do to streamline our business, but it, it is a thing we do to make ourselves better and also, you know, to free ourselves from things that we don’t like doing, because we can automate that and focus on things we do want to do, but also.
Optimize the way we do things so that, you know, we do that in the best possible way without wasting resources. And of course, you know, um, from, from a business perspective, it is about prosperity. And I think that we, you know, we do want to look at a business and wanted to, um, have prosperity and, you know, It is a big part of that swell business crowd.
Um, you know,
Sascha: not even, not just for businesses. And then if you look at the, where we had just a society topics and their climate change, but I think in general, I guess we could sort of probably say, um, prosperity as a society, as well as that. I think women can use these technologies, automation process, uh, AI and all that stuff.
Um, So that to the best then I guess not just business as everyone, I think we’ll, we’ll, we’ll benefit from it and we improve outcomes in general. So, which is, which is really rewarding, uh, for me as well, to be in that, in that field and making those things happen every day.
Arno: And, you know, they simple examples out there, like how does that look like practically?
And I think that always say that. You know, we look at a very simple example where somebody, um, let’s say it needs to book a vaccination or blood test. If we can provide a very streamline low code automated version of that process, where. Uh, humanist out the loop. Um, the only thing the human does is actually the blood tests or the vaccination, everything prior to that is all handled digitally.
That means that we’ve got zero input from people actually having to, um, you know, pick up a phone and taking somebody. Um, the vaccination, um, a sort of diary or this sort of, when they want to come for the vaccination, it’s all taken care of that. And those people that you say from handling those phone calls, you know, they, they, they could be freed up to do other things.
So it’s almost like there’s this way that people want to interact with the world. If we can sort of digitize that. And, um, At the back of that, where people actually have to do the work. That makes sense, not the administrative work, but actually do the thing that they supposed to do, like administering the blood test, the vaccination, you know, those other things that optimize our society.
Uh, if, if you know what I mean, um, because I think it’s, it’s fruitless for, for us to have a lot of people. Um, Manning a sort of a call center to take appointments for, for blood tests, for example, that could all be done online that could all be automated using low code or low code technology.
Sascha: Yeah, exactly. It should be as frictionless as possible.
Thinking about friction, energy is waste. Isn’t it. So again, if you have massive call centers, yeah, it can’t be, can’t be. Climate efficient either. So we just caught it. Isn’t it. So,
Arno: so rather use that call center for a person that has got a genuine problem, that to speak to somebody. Yeah,
Sascha: yeah, exactly.
Diagnosed services. What we have, isn’t it remotely.
Arno: Yeah, exactly. So, so it’s, it’s, it’s these kinds of changes. I think we’ll see a Sasha where people, you know, it’s not just a question of, um, you know, let’s, let’s. Let’s streamline our processes. Let’s be more efficient. So there’s a better bottom line for us as a business.
But I think it’s, it’s, it’s from a, you know, if we look at sort of public sector services and things, we, we, um, engage with, I think it’s really to, to help those guys out, to, to, you know, to, to do more with what they have. And that’s why I think, uh, you know, automation is a, is a key element of.
Sascha: Yeah, I think, um, uh, so I think, you know, we talked about this a lot now or kind of technologies, um, are maybe needed, but I think sort of a summarizing point of it nowadays, when we say automation and AI and process some companies in some, uh, Businesses think, oh, this is, this is complex.
I need developers. And it needs to be a proper coding and that kind of stuff. But I think we talked, yeah, we talked about this year a lot as well on the podcast. Um, the, the key here is. To be very clever about it and bring in very powerful low-code platforms in, into, in, into that implementation. So, so we can get out these, uh, get these ideas out as fast as possible if the, the solutions in as fast as possible with the power of low-code.
Um, we can, yeah, so you can, uh, Get get this done by, by, um, employees, um, citizen developers was in companies. Isn’t it, instead of, uh, looking into the market, which is in huge demand anyway, um, you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t find the right developers for your projects anyway. So the, the answer which comes with.
In 20, 22, even more, we’ll be low code. We’ll be more, no code to get all these implementations done. Um, uh, in, in a matter of days, maximum weeks. Um, but when we, when we talk about project delivery, in terms of months with the customer, uh, I think in 2022, that will be sort of, uh, not the right way forward anymore.
Uh, yeah. Low code solutions. Um, that, that is what, what businesses need in 2022.
Arno: Yeah. And I think, you know, if there’s still confusion about what low-code solutions is, I think, you know, in terms of automation, it is just almost like a shortcut to automation. That’s what loca provides you. I think that if you look at automation and.
It generally traditionally involves people looking at a specific. Problem. And then implementing a automated solution, Y actually going out and writing very sophisticated it code. What we saying is that there is a, there is an alternative to that. Um, what we want to do is almost streamline. And make the automation journey easy by using something that’s called no-code or low-code, which is like a, a paradigm where you configure software without writing code.
And that software actually provides you with automation capabilities without the sort of burden of. It coding because you get things like security for free. You get things like user interface, design for free, and you can really just focus on how you want to implement the automation, how you want to make the problem go away.
So again, if I look at this scenario where you’ve got a hospital that wants to allow patients. Book appointments. Um, you can go out to a traditional it department and ask them for appointment booking system, which they can code from scratch. Or you can use a low code solution where you can visually design and visually create that software.
Up to 10 times quicker to do exactly the same thing. So we, we are almost looking at optimizing our own, our own industry as well. I think that that’s kind of like the message that Sasha we want to, I guess, convey in our podcasts is that, you know, we’re not necessarily talking about, um, eradicating. It, what we talking about is that we want to expedite the way systems are developed, and these systems are the systems of the future that makes things better and make our world a better place and make our world a more optimized place where we’ve got more time to do the things we like.
Rather than the administrative stuff we have to do to manage things. Um, and you know, if we look at the kind of automation, landscape and low code, that’s where we see. Kind of overlay things like the robotic process automation, which is software that can do stuff like humans, do it and chat bots that could mimic human behavior, like answering questions for customers and, um, potentially answering questions from patient, doing triage, triage type activities.
So it’s, it’s more, you know, what we want to do is we want to accelerate the way we provide these kind of automation initiatives to, to, to, to companies by using the technologies we use. And I think that’s kind of like a bottom line thing that that’s the, that’s the reason by existence, you know, and the reason for existence for this podcast is to explain to people that, you know, that this, this is.
The sort of thing we want to do. We want to get involved with automation, but we want to get involved with automation in a way where it’s as quick as possible so we can provide it to the people that need it very quickly. And also. In that same sense once we provide it to understand, you know, what’s the additional things.
Those people need to make it even better. And I think that’s kind of like where all this low code comes into place because it’s, it’s this ability to, you know, take things that would normally take 50 days to turn it into things that takes five days. Yeah. And, you know, buying yourself 45 days. So you could, um, a cut down on costs, but be also, um, go to market quicker so you can understand.
What if what I’ve delivered is that the best thing I can do? What can I do better? And, you know, I think that’s that again, that’s what I think is sort of the key to our existence, because that’s what we strive to do. You know, we want to expedite the way that. Provide these automation solutions and also use the time we save to even make it better.
So on a long enough time scale, compared to usual it development, if we spent the same amount of time and effort, we just had. Exponentially better sort of capability that we can provide a business traditional item. Um, so it’s, I think that, that, you know, that that’s important message and I think, you know, going into 2022 with all the AI things, we talk about each, just another tool we can use that’s in our toolbox to, to speed up that process even further.
Sascha: Uh, you know, the automation industry. And the automation topic and the desire to automate all that is not slowing down in 2022. That’s that’s a effect. Um, uh, I think it would probably go even steeper than the last years. So when we. Uh, the pandemic case has accelerated that already massively. Um, now was generally what’s, what’s coming up in the world and what we want to achieve going forward.
And, uh, it will, it would just be even even faster. So, yeah, automation. We’ll maybe move away from being sort of the necessity. Um, and especially as you said, now, as local, we can do things much faster, so it will move more, all sort of more into automate into innovation rather. And. Uh, young businesses really benefiting from that instead of just reacting to the, sort of the pandemic and doing a little sort of improvement because I have to because of remote working, but now, now they have these technologies potentially.
In place now they can really use them and fully use them for that competitive advantage, bringing innovation for society. Yeah, it will be, um, it will be the future and it is a future. And, um, Yeah, it will be, it will be busy. It will be exciting. And we are here, um, every week was a new episode on, um, process and automation topics.
And, uh, yeah, it was that. So I would like to sort of finish this year of podcasting. A big, thank you again, to all our loyal listeners. Thank you for the tons of feedback we have received over the year. Um, there is still a huge list of topics. We, um, we, we have from those feedback, uh, from those Q&A and the feedback to address in the podcast, we probably have lots of, more, lots, more Q&A and a sessions coming up as well as part of the podcasts and a podcast. That was actually a very good, popular episode as well. So I’m looking forward to that again. Um, yeah, and Arno, and I would like to wish you and your families, uh, a great holiday season and a very happy new year, 2020. So we look forward to many more episodes in 2022, and looking forward to seeing you all next year and until then take care and let’s automate.
That’s it again with this episode of The Process & Automation podcast. If you liked this episode, please give us a five-star rating and don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast, so you don’t miss any upcoming episode. We hope you will tune in next time. Until then let’s automate it.
- January 5, 2022
- 7:42 pm